Thursday, November 3, 2011

Analogy / Homology

a. Coyotes and Wolves share the homologous because they are both canines that walk on four legs and travel in packs.
b. Coyotes are distinguished by their big bushy tails, wolves are considerably bigger than coyotes. It is possible for coyotes and wolves to mate and have pups.
c. The common ancestor for both of them is a wolf
a. Snails are mollusks and fire salamanders are vertebrates.
b. The two species share the analogous trait of their, "camera-like" eye.
c. The two species do not share a common ancestor.


  1. I like where you were going with the post but I wish there was a little more detail about how the traits are used by the different species especially with the eyes of the snail and the salamander.

  2. I'm not clear on what your homologous trait was between the coyote and the wolf? You describe both but don't identify the specific trait that's the focus of your discussion.

    Can you expand upon your discussion of the "camera-like eye" of the salamander and the snail (which is actually an invertebrate)? Our eyes are camera-like too so I'm curious about how these traits are unique. Keep in mind that all creatures have common ancestors if you go back far enough, though admittedly, you would have to go back hundreds of millions of years to find the common ancestor to that pair!

  3. Becca Botson: It was a little unclear on how the wolf and the coyote are homologous. It's something I would assume, but I'm curious about the details. . . I liked your discussion on the snail and the fire salamanders but what I imagined and what the pictures show, I don't really know what you mean about their eyes.
